PRP treatment is firstly used by dental surgeons to ensure that the implants do not fail as a result of decay.
Since PRP is a medical practice, it is only allowed to be administered through doctors. If required by the doctors, centrifugation is performed by adding a small amount of blood to the gel in small tubes. While approximately 200,000 platelets are found in the tubes, blood is separated into its components after centrifugation and 1.5 million platelets are obtained per milliliter. This procedure is called PRP. Platelets play an active role in healing wounded tissues as well as blood clotting effects. With the development of technology in medicine in time, platelets in the blood started using in the areas like face, hair and neck with mask or mesotherapy methods. In this way, despite the aging of the skin, the natural development of the skin is activated.
PRP applied on the skin has two separate processes. PRP tube prevents blood clotting, thrombin serum provides blood clotting. When these two separate functions are used together, they have regenerative effects on the skin. With PRP application, a person’s own blood provides a natural filling material and with this material folds and fine lines on the skin may be treated. The fillings may be used for up to 6 or 8 months due to the hyaluronic acid they contain. Although PRP is perceived as stem cell treatment, it is not a stem cell treatment but a biological effect on stem cells. PRP administration does not expose people to any side effects if the correct kit is used. The correct kit is called Regenkit. Regenkit contains a separate tube for each session. It has high reliability.
Biological substances taken from individuals are again transferred to the same individuals. So, at this stage, the application does not threaten the health of the people. PRP significantly increases the brightness and vitality of the skin. It is highly effective in reducing the purple layers under the eyes and spots on the skin caused by aging or harmful UV rays of the sun. Just like an aesthetic surgery can make people rejuvenated, PRP treatment plays a significant role in the rejuvenation of people as well.
PRP treatment has healing effects not only in the area where the procedure is performed, but also around the area of application. PRP applied to the face provides vitality in hair. If PRP is applied together with mesotherapy, it will be applied in 3 or 4 sessions with a 15-day interval. The second cure is done at the end of 8 or 10 months after the first one. Also, both mesotherapy method and filling method can be applied together.